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Life coach journey

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

This is a page where I share my darkest journey with you. 

From the time I discovered I had depression for a period of 6-8 months  in 2018 and battling myself to recovery in that same year, to 2020 where i suffered a grieving period for the loss of my dear mother in law who was there for me throughout the difficult times as a working real estate agent mummy. I hardly have time for my kids before, sales, targets, awards are always what was on my mind. Perhaps God gave me the period of downturn to teach me what is most important in this limited lifespan we have on earth.


What else is more important than fame, recognition and money. 


So in 2020, in the midst of recovering from my grief, I am glad that God gave me these opportunities to grow again and again in this life path.


I took on the studies of Childhood psychology, Mental Health Awareness and Certified Neurolinguistic Practitioner online. Courses and trainings really helped me alot. 


Below are most of the videos I took in my journey while being quite involved in Toast Masters Club for various opportunities to find my voice. I hope you will get value out of my sharing below: -

What's my purpose here

During the darkest period in 2018, where I prayed incessantly for a quick and easy death, collection of Soul from God, but yet, nothing happened. 

Thanks to God, if it hadn't been that fateful day that I had to fill up an application for my Youngest daughter to be admitted into the same primary school of my eldest girl, I would never have realised that i Lost my Memory of my eldest girl, her name, class and birthdate, including her birth certificate number, everything was just erased from my mind as though I thought I only had one daughter.

Not just that, I even forgot what is CPD ( the lessons that we agents need to take year after year. It was an irony, that since 2006 as a real estate agent i have never once forgot about it, but in 2018, during that depression, everything went out of the window in my mind). 

Just like that. 

Parent's guilt sank in. What kind of a parent am I, when i only have 2 girls and I actually forgot one's existence ?

The Girl ( my eldest daughter) had been greeting me home and saying sweet goodbyes to me every day when i go out and come back from work at the door. The girl who blew sweet sugary kisses and giving me her tiny bear hugs everyday. 

I realised something was very wrong with me and I proceeded to seek external help. 
It was awakening and self awareness that saved me, along with the courses that i took later, with self love and self investment. 

As such, since I managed to Recover, I decided to help and assist people who is in the same or similar situations as I was in. 

I have been in depression without knowing, then realised i was in depression, fought to battle depression and then overcome depression. 

I know that by my sharing and with what i learnt in NLP, I should be able to help some people in my own way. 

Now, after hearing my story, and if you feel that we can connect in some way, and that you have been feeling unhappy, stifled and suppressed, depressed for way too long, or even suffered memory loss like me, wondering to yourself how can you progress on from here, connect with me by booking my coaching call now.

I will be happy to assist you to progress positively forward. You are not alone. 

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