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hi experienced agent 

This is a page where you will perhaps stumble upon while thinking if it's really time to move out of your comfort zone or to a new company, like ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd with me. 


My experiences hail from the lawfirms to credit collections, the banks on car loans refinancing then to local banks selling unit trusts and insurance and finally to real estate in 2006. 


I began with learning about Rentals and then into Resale for Condos and HDBS back in 2006 at HSR International Realtors. I spent most of my wonderful times in HSR for 6 years. 


In 2013, to find out more about developer projects, i headed to Huttons and then it was a cold period during 2013- 2015. Frankly I was almost Half active. 


2016 came and then i returned full force but joined my mentors from HSR to DWG. 

I then realised that, being a company mostly dealing with resale and rental just like HSR, we are missing out the bigger pie of the developer project commissions. 


Like perhaps yourself now, I was thinking back in 2016, why an experienced agent like me, came back full force but unable to make the same 5 figures before? I did struggle for about 1 year in DWG, with no apps or technology, while later i realised that ERA has useful apps and technology systems ongoing, with lots of developer sales units which are very attractive to the customers. 

I took a plunge then. 


I really sort of Regretted. 


Why I only joined ERA in 2017???


Do you know that different agencies have different commissions from developers? 

Yes, being in the other company, even though i brought a customer to buy the same unit in the same developer project, the developer is paying me lesser compared to an ERA agent. I felt so shortchanged.

The difference was already a few thousand dollars.


Think, what can the difference of that few thousand dollars make to my family?? Perhaps enough to help pay for the tuition fees of my kids for few more months. Correct? 

I am also an agent, nothing less. I brought the buyer to buy the unit at the same price as per another agent per se. 

This is the truth. I had to accept it. 


After I came to ERA, i realised that with the ERA project app which was updated rather frequently, I was able to give clients alot of valued information at my fingertips. 

All I needed to do is to flip the phone up and start scrolling. 

This saves golden time my friend, and gave my clients alot of faith in us for reliability. 


Needless to say, I enjoyed my work in ERA after I came in.

Well supported with resale network which ERA already had a renowned reputation for, with almost immediate information on our projects, I have not looked back. 


Of course there are many other things which we can support the agent here in ERA, especially in terms of trainings, admin and many others. 


Should you be looking for a place to move to and level up your skills, service, income leveraging on our ERA platform like I did, i welcome you for a zoom session with me :)

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