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Now Available for Online Consultations/ Life Coaching
Hi, I'm Anna Ng, a Full-Time Property Agent (aka Real Estate Sales Person), recently awarded TOP 10 Achiever's award in Preeminent Group of ERA Realty Network.
I have also been featured in an interview with Vizaca, an online magazine which showcases entrepreneurs for a global presence.
Not long ago, I have also been invited to LOVE 972 FM Radio to participate in their on-air show with regards to a topic on Mental Health.
Lately, CAPITAL 958 FM Radio has also featured my story telling on air on real life story event to inspire others.
I am servicing my clients and empowering my agents via my Client Centric Property System and this CCP System is compiled based on my past experiences of working
as a paralegal in lawfirm, servicing a pool of 9 lawyers doing court documentation under banking litigation department,
a credit collections officer advising an offshore bank on how to deal with their delinquent clients,
a sales officer doing balance transfer of autoloans for the bank, and also having been an insurance advisor,
all skills and knowledge combined and rolled into Real Estate.
To share further with you, the journey of my real estate life began in 2006 Singapore when i started off with the Resales Market...

ERA Trainer video:)
My dream life...

Broken family background but We Overcame

Proud moment to have a Book Launch in 2020 as Co-author of the book, Voices of Courage

Since young, I have always been a lover of books.
Bookworm, Christopher Pikes, Singapore Ghost Stories, Sweet Valley High to Sweet Valley University, even the classic Cinderella story or Sleeping beauty, Snow White & Seven Dwarves of Walt Disney, made me a diehard fan even after so many years.
The smell of the hard cover books or even the pages in the soft cover books never fail to excite me. Truthfully, even though I am just a co-author of the book, Voices of Courage, having seen it published and printed out in full color, really made me feel as if i am on cloud nine.
This is a book made to encourage and motivate women, a book of Women Empowerment to all around the world.
I thank God for this great opportunity and pray that whoever that reads the book will get the same uplifting moment we had when we first created this.
Contact Anna Ng